Problem Steps Recorder
If you support users, you will know how frustrating it can be when they are 'describing' the problem, yet it sounds like no operating system you have ever seen before, well Microsoft has finally supplied an answer.
Windows 7 includes the excellent 'Problem Steps Recorder'.
When the problem manifests itself, get the user to click start and type PSR and press Enter or click on PSR.exe.
Click Start Record and continue whatever they are doing, the Problem Steps Recorder will record every click and key press, take screen shots, and package everything up into a single zipped .MHT file when they click Stop Record including screenshots and a full list of whet they clicked on, ready for emailing to you. It's quick and easy and will save you hours of blind troubleshooting.
Windows 7 includes the excellent 'Problem Steps Recorder'.
When the problem manifests itself, get the user to click start and type PSR and press Enter or click on PSR.exe.
Click Start Record and continue whatever they are doing, the Problem Steps Recorder will record every click and key press, take screen shots, and package everything up into a single zipped .MHT file when they click Stop Record including screenshots and a full list of whet they clicked on, ready for emailing to you. It's quick and easy and will save you hours of blind troubleshooting.